Friday, December 14, 2012

Envelope study for an existing retail space. Involves removing existing mansard roof, and brick and punched windows facade and replacing 
with new metal panel clad raised element and continuous window 
storefront. Front elevation view from street.

View from left side of structure.

View from right side of structure.

Front view of Mission San Jose in Texas.

Side view of Mission San Jose in Texas.

Interior photograph of Mission San Jose Chapel.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Massing and shadow study for a building addition, created with
Sketchup. No materials added to review design features.

Massing and shadow study of building addition, view from opposite side.
Created with Sketchup, to review design options like mullion spacing, 
railing design and planter wall placements.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Project created using Sketchup 8.

Sketchup image rendered using Rendering 
Add-On inside Sketchup.

Rendered image enhanced with Corel Painter 11.

Pen and Ink rendering of a Church project. Model 
created in Autocad, then traced over light table.

Friday, October 12, 2012

 Design studies for a manufactured home prototype. 
Model and design created with Sketchup. Front View.

Front view looking towards entry.

Side view looking toward front courtyard at Entry.

View of deck at rear of house. Living, dining and
master bedroom look out into  deck.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Model of an addition to an existing school. Model created in Autocad and then rendered using accurender add on. 

Building envelope studies for a new building addition to a college campus. Created in Sketchup.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Proposed addition of classroom buildings and playground areas to an existing school. Project created using Sketchup.

Pen and ink rendering of an existing train depot building located in San Antonio, Texas. Simple model created using Autocad then sketch traced and detail added over light table.

Design study for trellis on school campus... Created using Sketchup.

Design study for an amphitheater structure to a proposed High School Facility. Roof structure created in Autocad then imported into Sketchup.

Sketchup image of a classroom buildings and playground addition to an exiting  School. Project created in sketchup and rendered with Corel Painter 11.

Photo of Alamo showing renovations done by Davy Crocket which included new air conditioning and exterior lighting to see the enemy at night.

Pencil rendering of a sketch to an addition to a Residence...